After having graduation in Pol. Sc. (Hons.) from Delhi University, I again got admission in Delhi College of Arts because I felt depressed after having knowledge about the international politics and read about World War I & II in which Europe was totally affected and lost unaccountable lives. Initially, I want to be a lawyer but my fate derived me to be an art student to create own fantastic world.

Those five years of B.F.A. (1974-1979) were among the most pivotal years of my life. Eventually, I obtained my art degree and began working as graphic artist at the Open School in 1980 in Delhi, now known as National Institute of Open Schooling.  I would say that receiving a research grant from the Lalit Kala Akademi and Sr. Fellowship (MHRD) that allowed me to work in the Lalit Kala Garhi Graphic Studio.  During this time was the game changer in my serigraphy journey.  In Delhi College of Arts, I got the opportunity to learn serigraphy medium and Jai Zharotia was our teacher who has given us full freedom to work in any graphic medium.  So I choose serigraphy medium.  Manjit Bawa was also our teacher and his behaviour was so friendly, after the classes are over we used to listen Manjit Bawa flute.  After seeing my serigraphy prints which were basic and Manjit Bawa provoke me to try to obtain tonal variations and gradiation in colours in your prints.  I also got opportunity to work with Manjit Bawa and create my first portfolio of prints for Xal Praxis Foundation, Bombay.

My serigraphy prints can be divided into two parts as, prints before 2000 and after 2000.  One can feel and differentiate my serigraphy prints done before 2000.  Those prints are more poetic and tonal variations and gradiation are seen. The serigraphy prints executed after 2000 are done professionally and shown my skill of playing with different colours, tones & gradaitions with simplyfied forms and images. Serigraphy medium demands control over the squizee and keep patience for better results.  No doubt, there are more challenges in serigraphy medium.

Mostly, I worked in my small studio which is one the corner of my house where I live.  I wake up early in the morning to work out day activities.  I keep day time for printing and night for preparation of screens and its exposing, but it is 24x7 process to think and its execution to have excellent work.

I have executed many mini and imperial size portofolios like “Fantasy 2000”, “Purusha & Prakriti” and lately titled “Impressions on Impression”; which is in two parts I & II; which motivated my inventive sense and proved to be pretty engaging.  By diminishing the opacity of colour pigment and giving it a look of varying layers to the spectator, I was able to use colours in a very distinctive way.  The viewer could perceive overlapping of colours with exquisite tones while gazing at the final work of the serigraphy prints.

Besides executing portfolios I also work on variation prints is one of my favourite things to do since it allows one to experiment around the different colours, lines and forms.  I was blown away by the incredible effects and atmosphere I could create with those variant prints.

My faith in God and spiritual atmosphere of our home is also made me spiritual.  I believe that the supreme can expand into thousands, millions and remain one. God is powerful and his creation is so powerful, that’s why we worship our God & Goddess. In my poetry also one can feel the spirituality.  I think there is a reason why I am in this world.  I have to give something to this society, it is my duty.  Authors Press of India, a prominent Delhi publisher blessed me with the publication of two Hindi poetry collections “Kacche Dhaage” and “Main Hoon Aas Paas”.  In my latest serigraphy prints one can see the blending of images and poetry. Definitely, art completes me and writing fills the void of my soul.


Moti Zharotia
Mobile: 9999886215

My Work

